It is December 1st tomorrow and the countdown has started. Still rushing around trying to get organised? Check out for ideas.

Heritage Woodcare. This is a superb woodpolish, easy to use and versatile.Takes off all the buildup of silicones, waxes, grease and grime and will also remove heatmarks, ringmarks and watermarks. Can also be used on hard plastics, marble etc. Ideal for use in the kitchen, wood furniture, wood and laminate floors.
Heritage Leathercare. An easy to use leather product that feeds, polishes, protects and leaves a water resistant finish. It is colourless so can be used on any colour. Ideal for use on leather furniture and car seats, clothing, boots and shoes, handbags,suitcases, etc.
Green Angel Seaweed Skincare.A superb range of seaweed based skincare products. I
ncludes Body Smoother - an exfolient that leaves your skin glowing and silky soft/ creams - Face Cream including collegen that tightens up fine lines - Daily Moisturiser for the face, moistens your face, leaving a smooth skin - Facial Scrub, does for your face what the Body Smoother does for your body only in a more gentle way - Night Cream, for use last thing at night on your face and hands - Recover Cream, helps tired skin - Hand Cream, great for looking after your hands / Seaweed Powder, A versatile product with many uses

Paston Crafts, hand crafted fabric products. Microwavable Heatwraps that give soothing, drug free pain relief/ Mocrowavable Handwarmers that keep your hands warm, Self heating Cushions that insulate your body, Japanese Eye Masks that relieve tired, aching eyes
All these products are available online, visit