Monday, 10 December 2012
Whilst I am talking about cleaning and getting ready for Christmas, have you tried our sister product Heritage Leathercare? This is so versatile and feeds, polishes, protects leather, is easy to use and is also colourless, whist leaves a water resistant finish. Check it out at
For more information about Paston Craft products, visit and to buyHeritage Leathercare, visit ( will tell you more about the product) If you visit you can buy Heritage Woodcare and get more information at
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Microwarm Heatwraps and Heritage Woodcare
Anyway, getting back to Heritage Woodcare, I wrote about a "new" use I have remembered for it on my sister blog Briefly whilst doing the preparations last week, I remembered that my cousin used her Heritage Woodcare to clean and shine the leaves of her succulents so whilst cleaning, I did the same. The plant looks much better now. Why don't you try it?
Heritage Woodcare is available online, visit
Monday, 3 December 2012
Using Heritage Woodcare to get ready for Christmas
So, what is the next job? For me, as soon as my knee clears up, it will be the hall floor. This will be a lot easier a) because it is much smaller and b) because there is less furniture. Mind you, my wife has decided to rearrange the furniture to accomodate all the family but I can't see that affecting the work in the hall.
So, all that will be left to do will be getting the tree up and decorating it. That is one of the more pleasamt tasks.
Don't forget, you can buy Heritage Woodcare online, visit . or
Friday, 30 November 2012
Preparing for Christmas - using Heritage polish to clean and polish your wood floors
To be truthful, I am not ready. I am hoping to be able to buckle down and get them done tomorrow (Saturday - I have to put that in as you know the old saying about tomorrow - it never comes!) So, bright and early tomorrow, when everyone else is in bed, I have promised myself that I will clean and polish my wood floors.
I have already done the hard work i.e. the preparation was done years ago, so all I have to do is sweep the floors and then mop them with Heritage Woodcare. The real hard work comes in moving all the furniture so that I can mop underneath. Having mopped, I then have to put all the furniture back!
In previous posts (e.g. see which tells you how to remove black marks caused by bitumen i.e. the preparation) I have also told you how to use Heritage Woodcare - visit . The short cut I use on my floors, assuming the preparation has already been done, is to give my bottle a really good shake (as instructed by the manufacturer) pour a little on the floor, then take a squeegee mop (I keep one specially for my wood floors). move the mop around in the spill and then just mop till the whole floor has been done. As I say, the real hard work comes in moving the furniture!
Don't forget, you can buy Heritage Woodcare online, visit
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Paston Crafts - Microwavable Microwarm Heatwraps and Handwarmers.
There is so much I need to say so I will have to make several posts. Winter is knocking on the door so to speak, so it is, perhaps, time to take a look at the products made by Paston Crafts. Probably their best seller are their Microwavable Microwarm Heatwraps. These are stuffed with wheat and aromatic herbs and can keep you warm even in the coldest of weathers as I know from personal experience, having used them to keep warm when demonstrating at outdoor shows in winter.

Thursday, 18 October 2012
Chairs Made From Discarded Wood Shavings Solve A Sustainability Conundrum
For the rest of the article, visit
Dont forget, heritage polishes are available online, visit or
Saturday, 13 October 2012
How to use Heritage Woodcare
To use: Heritage Woodcare is quite easy.
1.Shake the bottle well before use.
2.Pour some Heritage Woodcare into a container.
3.Soak any soft, clean cloth or duster in the polish, Squeeze and wring the cloth out.. (You can return the un-used polish to the bottle) and just wipe.
4.Now use just one cloth to clean and polish!
Heritage Woodcare is oil based – there is no need for waxing! It polishes and protects at the same time.
If the duster is not wrung enough, the furniture may be left slightly wet, in which case it should be buffed with a dry, clean duster.
Cleaning or stripping your wood before the first use is not required. On furniture where the grain is clogged with wax and silicones, the polish may go streaky, as the buildup is removed In this case, further applications of Heritage Woodcare may be needed before the final finish is achieved. Any clean soft duster or cloth will be suitable provided it is really well wrung out, after it has been impregnated with the Heritage Woodcare. When the cloth becomes dirty it can be washed in soap or detergent. With some dusters, especially yellow, the colour will run and colour the polish. This is not important; you can continue to use the duster as normal.
Don’t forget you can buy Heritage Woodcare online. Just visit or
Sunday, 7 October 2012
More about Paston Crafts - Microwarm MicrowaveableHeatwraps
Paston Crafts is a family run business based in Coventry. They manufacture a range of fabric and knitted products with their best sellers being Microwarm Heatwraps and Handwarmers. These are stuffed with wheat and aromatic herbs and can keep you warm even in the coldest of weathers as I know from personal experience, having used them to keep warm when demonstrating at outdoor shows in winter.
Microwarm Heatwraps are microwaved for up to 3 minutes, depending on the power of your microwave. The heat is retained for up to 1 - 1.5 hours. The warmed heatwrap is then applied to aches and pains and this gives gentle heat treatment which is drug free pain relief. You can also use the heatwrap if you are cold and need to warm yourself up. They can also be used in bed as a "hot water bottle" and are safer than the conventional hot water bottle as you don't have boiling water around and they won't leak. water into your bed.
Hand-warmers use the same principles as Heatwraps but are smaller, being designed for to be held in your hands. These are microwaved for only 30 seconds and will retain heat for up to 30 - 45 minutes, longer if you insulate them by putting them in your pockets or gloves. They are also ideal for drug free relief from toothache and ear ache.
Both products can be bought online, visit
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Drigate Products - Heritage Woodcare
I have received a number of enquiries about Heritage Woodcare so thought that as I have mentioned this wonderful polish quite a lot, I ought to tell you more about it
.Heritage Woodcare is made in Dublin by Drigate Products (Mfg)Ltd, a well established family company based on the outskirts of Dublin.They are commited to manufacturing and supplying the very best traditional cleaning and nurturing products to look after your personal and household possesions.Many of their products are based on Victorian craftsmans recipes containing old fashioned tried and tested ingredients but updated, using modern technology, to cope with 21st century developments. Heritage Woodcare is an example of their approach to bringing the very best products to your attention.
Heritage Woodcare is a twentyfirst century polish based on a tried and tested recipe that is centuries old and was known only by the grand masters of the furniture crafts. The competition for perfection in the cleaning, polishing, and preservation of wooden furniture between these rival grandmasters can still be seen today when looking at many priceless antiques. In order, to get the desired results, these grandmasters would spend hours, sometimes days, working on a single item.Few people today have the time, or the patience, of these grandmasters, so after much research, and backed up by modern technology, this centuries old recipe has been updated to produce Heritage Woodcare. which gives the same outstanding results in a fraction of the time.
Heritage Woodcare is very easy to use and has a variety of uses. In future blogs I will tell you more about it and also about its sister product, Heritage Leathercare. Both products can be bought online. For Heritage Woodcare visit and for for Heritage Leathercare visit
Monday, 24 September 2012
Paston Crafts - Heat Reflecting Cushions. Use also for pets with arthritis
Paston Crafts is a family run business based in Coventry. They manufacture a range of heatwraps and warmers stuffed with wheat and aromatic herbs, as well as their relaxing eye masks and herbal cushions. For more about their hand crafted products visit
I thought I would start by looking at their Heat Reflecting / Self Heating Cushions. These work by using the body's own heat and are especially suitable where there is no access to a microwave, e.g. wheelchair, car, coach, caravan, etc. They can also be used at home. You can sit on them, use them as a back rest or a neck rest. They can also be put under coats or jumpers when going out in cold weather.
Another very good use is for pets. My cat suffers from arthritis and loves to lie where it is warm. Noticing this I decided to put one of these cushions in her favourite spot which also happens to be next to a radiator. Now that I have put the heating on she rarely moves from this spot. Dogs also can benefit from these cushions. Just use them under their regular bedding.
Heat Reflecting Cushions or Self heating Cushions can be odtained online, Visit
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Heritage Woodcare and Heritage Leathercare
You can buy Heritage Woodcare and Heritage Leathercare online visit or
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Contact me, online, by post at The Technocentre, by phone. Order Heritage Woodcare and Heritage Leathercare
I can be contacted by email on
by post at :-
DCK Services
The Technocentre
Puma Way
by phone on 07967 139636 (office hours please)
All Heritage Polish, and Paston Craft products can be purchased by post as well as online. Simply send your order with payment (cash, cheque or bankers order, or postal order) to :-
DCK Services,
The Technocentre,
Puma Way,
Order Heritage Polishes online by visiting For Paston Crafts you will need to visit
Web Orders I aim to post within 24 hours of receipt. Mail Orders may take up to 7 days for receipt and despatch. Holidays and sickness may mean orders take slightly longer to process and post.
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Packaging for my orders.
To keep costs down (also meaning prices down) i source free packaging as far as possible. I find my local supermarket very helpful in this respect supplying me with all the packaging I need - bags. bubblewrap and cardboard. This is also helpful to the supermarkets as it cuts down on their waste, even if only slightly which means it cuts their costs of disposing of their waste. Occasionally I have used padded envelopes. These are used envelopes which are being recycled. This means that all my packing is recycled and recyclable in turn
I hope this explains why the packaging does sometimes look as if it is recycled!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
How do I look after my conservatory wood furniture
Using my Heritage Woodcare regularly will not only clean all my wood furniture but it will also prevent it drying out and will keep it looking good and the best thing about it is that is easy to use. I really must buckle down and get on with it!
I said it is easy to use. All you need do is give your bottle a good shake, pour some into a container, soak any soft, clean clothin your polish, squeeze and wring the cloth out till it is damp dry (don't worry if your polish has become discoloured, this doesn't affect it), pour the remaining polish back in your bottle and now you are ready. All you do now is wipe. If you have marks and areas of fading you may need several applications but generally one application is ok.
Heritage Woodcare can be obtained online, visit for more information and to be able to buy it.
Friday, 8 June 2012
how to put the colour back into your leather furniture
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Metal and plastic furnitures are easy. To get them ready is really just a matter of soap and water combined with a little elbow grease.
Wood furniture requires a little more effort but if you are canny, it can be just as easy, The first thing you need to consider is the type of wood and the condition. By this I mean if it is teak and has been allowed to weather to a silvery finish you are faced with two choices - if you like this finish, wipe with a damp cloth and leave it. If you don't kike the finish, you will need to sand it until ALL the silvery effect has been removed. Then polish with your Heritage Woodcare. If all the silvery effect has not been removed, what is left will turn black when polish is applied. Other woods can be just polished although you are better sanding any weathering.
To use your Heritage shake the bottle well, pour some into a container, soak any soft, clean cloth or duster in the polish,squeeze and wring the cloth out.until it is just damp and you are ready. (return the un-used polish to the bottle)
Heritage Woodcare is oil based – there is no need for waxing! It cleans, polishes and protects at the same time.
N.B. If the duster is not wrung enough, the furniture may be left slightly wet, in which case it should be buffed with a dry duster
Heritage Woodcare is available online, visit
Monday, 16 April 2012
Time to get busy with your Heritage Woodcare and Heritage Leathercare
Anyway, back to the spring cleaning. I have been much involved in doing it recently as my wife has broken her ankle and is unable to do anything so it is all down to me. I been been busy with the Heritage Woodcare, dusting and cleaning. It has also been in evidence on my wooden parquet floors although they need doing again. Don't forget you can also use it when cleaning your car, caravan, boat, etc. Full instructions for use can be found at
I have also had my Heritage Leathercare out cleaning and polishing my two leather footstools. They look so much better after a bit of tlc. Again there are so many uses for your Heritage Leathercare - furniture, clothing, footware, car upholstery. etc. Full instructions for use can be found at
Both Heritage Woodcare and Heritage Leathcare can be bought online. For Heritage Woodcare visit For Heritage Leathercare, visit
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
THE STOOP: A Big Leather Couch, A Sun Personal Computer, a Fire Extinguisher and an Old Hot Plate
Browsing on the web today I came across quite an interesting story from a website calling itself Park Slope Patch. After some investigation I have concluded that Park Slope is an area of Brooklyn which is itself an area of New York. Anyway, the story is about what residents of Park Slope leave in their Stoops (I am assuming that what we in the UK call a porch, residents of Park Slope call a stoop) Apparently the haul in the story included a big leather couch, a Sun PC, a fire extinguisher and an old hotplate.
Whilst the other items looked quite interesting, it was the couch that attracted my attention. I quote "The leather couch was the best, most comfy and cozy find. It was a smooth, nut brown in color and in perfect condition. I took a seat and it was worthy of taking home—but my “affordable” one bedroom apartment in Park Slope simply does not have the shear girth to fit this beauty." and the picture bore this out. for more on this story go to
Although the couch looked to be in good nick, I feel sure it would respond well to being treated with Heritage Leathercare Heritage Leathercare can be bought online, visit
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Microwarm Heatwraps - what they are, how and where to use them etc.
Containing wheat, and available in lavender and herbal mix fragrances or unfragranced, our heatwraps can be used either hot or cold for the relief of pain and, (heated), to keep warm or (frozen), to keep cool. Simply pop into the microwave for up to three minutes (depending on the power of your microwave) or (wrapped) in the freezer for three hours and apply to the affected area for deep and soothing relief. They can also be used to keep warm or cool as appropriate. Full instructions are enclosed with each heatwrap
I use one myself for the relief of arthritic pain and to relieve back problems. I have also used them to keep warm when I was exhibiting at outdoor shows. Indeed, at many of these events my demonstrators were being used by other exhibitors or if they had their own they were then heated in my microwave. I was also told by an aquaintance who was the manager of a shopping complex in London that in the summer she kept hers in the freezer and when she came in from work she would kick her shoes off, lay the frozen heatwrap on the floor and rest her feet on it. "it was absolute bliss" was how she described it.
Note - Caution should be exercised with hot products. Not suitable for children under three years of age; older children should only use with adult supervision.
Microwarm Heatwraps are available online, visit
Saturday, 3 March 2012
The benefits of Interior Design
We were staying not far from Prestatyn and there is a shopping outlet there. Fellas, we know what that means, don't we! We left with bulging shopping bags and lighter wallets. My wife was happier though as she now has an outfit for the wedding we are going to later this year. We also visited Swallow Falls at Betws-y-coed. It was a great day with bright sunshine. Did you know, there are 109 steps from the top to the bottom (and, of course 109 bigger, wider, deeper steps back to the top!)
There was only one real problem during the few days we were away. That was the accomodation. The bed was a very small double and the seating in the lounge was the most uncomfortable I have come across.The owners of the proprty we were staying in told us they had only just bought it and were slowly renovating it. They showed us an area that had been renovated and, although it was cleaner and brighter, much of what I felt about the part where we were still applied.The owners could really have benefitted from the services of an interior design expert such as Jane Yates from Sweet Lime Interior Design. Jane would have listened to what both the owners and customers had to say before coming up with her recommendations and that is what the property needs.
Jane really knows her subject and has helped many people in both commercial and domestic settings. Check out her website at She tells you about herself and gives examples of what she has done with testimonials from satisfied clients. Her website also incorporates her blog which explains lots more about Interior Design giving lots of examples. Check out the website - it's well worth it.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 ,
Each site has its own shop so you will now be able to make your purchases either by visiting the individual sites or by visiting which will continue as now. Although each site has its own blog with posts being confined to the theme of the site, this blog will continue and will carry the same range of posts as now ie there will be no changes to the existing sites, just that you will have greater choice.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Leather floor and wall tiles - did you know about them?
So, what are leather floor tiles. Well, it appears you can get 100% leather (buffallo hide / cow hide) or leather fibre board (leather fibres bonded together probably on a backing such as cork). Leather, whatever it is used for, is essentially a by-product of the food industry.
Although I researched leather floor tiles, it does seem that these tiles are also used as wall coverings and for furniture. I wiuld guess that having leather on your wall is the hight of luxury, leather being sound absorbant as well as looking warm and comfortable. Having a real leather top on your desk is also luxurious and, to some extent, quite decadent!
It would appear that leather floor tiles are, surprisingly durable and, like some woods, do get better as they age, especially if they are looked after. That is where I come in! Using Heritage Leathercare in the usual manner, will keep your leather products, including floor and wall tiles looking good and in good condition and will also extend their lifetime.
Heritage Leathercare can be bought online, visit
Thursday, 16 February 2012
How to remove bird droppings from a leather coat (part 2)
In order to restore the finish and colour of your coat it has to be clean. Now, you can buy propriatory cleaners, but I find that washing the damaged area with PURE soap (Simple soap, baby soap, soap flakes, Dreft, etc.) can do the job just as well. Do NOT use washing up liquid or detergents - they can dry leather out and may damage the colour and finish even more..
You then need to make sure that your leather is absolutely,totally dry. Having made sure your leather is clean and dry, take a pot of Colour Restorer and apply in circular motions. If necessary you may need to apply to the whole section of your coat so that you keep the colour even. The last job is to THOROUGHLY buff up, and I mean thoroughly - otherwise it will come off on other items of your clothing.
Colour Restorer is not yet available online but will be shortly. It comes in a range of 23 colours. Until it is available online, contact me on 07967 139636 to discuss your requirements.
All other HERITAGE POLISH products are available online at
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
How to remove bird droppings from a leather coat
The first thing to bear in mind is that droppings are acid so remove them quickly to prevent damage to the finish of your coat. (If there is damage to the finish, I will deal with that in my next post.) Wash the area of your coat in clean water.If there is still a residue left then wash using a clean cloth soaked in a pure soap solution (Simple soap, baby soap, soap flakes, Lux, etc.). Squeeze the cloth so that it is not over wet and wash in circular motions.
Having washed your coat ensure it is totally dry.The next stage is to apply a quality polish i.e. Heritage Leathercare. Take your tub of Heritage Leathercare and wipe the sponge provided across the surface taking any excess off by wiping on the inside of your tub. Then wipe the sponge in circular motions on your coat, ensuring it is not left greasy (if it is you have used too much and will need to buff up using a soft, dry cloth or a sheet of kitchen towel)
Heritage Leathercare cleans, polishes, and protects your furniture and will leave a water resistant finish. It is also colourless so can be used on any colour.Heritage Leathercare can be obtained online, visit
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
looking after leather bound books.
The article does say that current thinking advises agaist using leather preservatives for the preservation of leather bound books. Instead it advises using a plastic cover in the short term but not to store your books in plastic as they need to breathe. They are, therefore, suggesting that preservation looks after itself. I will take issue with the author on this point. I have seen leather that hasn't been preserved and it dries out and crumbles.
Leather does need feeding and books are no different. Any difference comes in handling. The books must be handled carefully. Keep any preservative away from the paper and use it only on the leather. Use it very very sparingly. All this, though is just common sense.
I recommend Heritage leathercare. As I say, use it very very sparingly - your books should not be left be left greasy! In fact, after use, you should be able to wipe over the surface with a soft cloth and not have any marks on it.
Heritage Leathercare is available online, visit
How to care for wood furniture
Thursday, 2 February 2012
How to keep warm using Paston Crafts' Heat Reflecting (Retaning) / Self Heating Cushions
They work by using the body's own heat and are especially suitable where there is no access to a microwave, e.g. wheelchair, car, coach, caravan, etc., and are great when attending outdoor events such as fishing / music shows & sporting events (whether outdoor or indoor), etc..
They can also be used at home. Multi-purpose you can sit on them, use them as a back rest or neck rest, etc., They can also be put under coats or jumpers when going out in cold weather.
Another great use is for your pets. Dogs and cats love them when they are put in their beds, under a blanket as they also benefit from their heat retaining properties.
They are available online, visit
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Re - information please on cleaning and rewaxing a wax jacket.
This is a comparatively simple job. First of all. thoroughly brush the jacket to remove all the mud and other debris.If the jacket has marks on it, take a damp cloth soaked in soapy water and wipe. This should clean your jacket. Make sure your jacket is completely dry Then, using the sponge provided with your Heritage Leathercare, load it by wiping over the surface of your Heritage Leathercare, removing any surplus by wiping on the edge of your container and then apply to your jacket Wipe in circular motions making sure you treat the whole garment. Apply very sparingly and ensure your jacket is not left patchy. If necessary buff up using a lint free cloth. Your jacket will be clean and rewaxed and will remain water resistant.
Heritage Leathercare can be obtained online, visit
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
I have nicotine on my wood furniture - how can I remove it?
Some time ago I posted about a cheap oak chest of drawers bought from an antique shop. In this post I said, the reason it was so cheap was because it came in a house clearance from someone who had been a heavy smoker. The drawers were very dirty and covered in nicotine.I was asked if Heritage Woodcare would remove all this buildup of nicotine and grime.
Heritage Woodcare works by removing all the buildup of silicons, waxes, grease and grime and in the process will also remove most white heat, ring and water marks It should therefore, remove all the buildup from the drawers including the nicotine and, at the same time make them smell a little fresher.
Heritage Woodcare is very easy to use . Give your bottle a really good shake, pour some into a container, take any soft and clean cloth, soak it in the polish and squeeze and wring the cloth out till it is damp dry. Pour the remaining polish back into your bottle.You are now ready and all you do now is wipe, possibly more than once, following the direction of the grain . As previously stated, Heritage Woodcare removes all the build up of silicons, waxes , grease and grime and as the nicotine is in the buildup, that will be removed at the same time.
Heritage Woodcare is available online, visit
Saturday, 7 January 2012
How can I remove the black marks caused by bitumen on my wood floor
Bitumen is used as an adhesive to stick wood flooring, particularly parquet flooring.Over time the bitumen seeps up between the joints leaving black marks on the floor.Indeed I had this very problem on my own floors.
My wife and I decided to replace the carpet from the hall and stairs To make the job easier and cheaper I took up the existing carpet myself only to find a parquet floor underneath. I could also see the floor continued into the lounge. After much persuasion my wife agreed to not replacing the carpet on the understanding that I cleaned the floor and did all the maintenance!
The floor that was revealed was very dirty and appeared to have a lot of black marks, (which I subsequently found to be bitumen) between the wood tiles. After several attempts at sweeping the floor I managed to pick up all the dust. I then got down on my hands and knees (which I could in those days!) and used Scotchbrite (a non scratch scourer) soaked in Heritage Woodcare and "scrubbed" the whole floor. I finished up with a floor that looked really clean and had a slight sheen, I was also pleased to note that all the bitumen that had seeped up between the joints had been removed
Now every time I sweep the floor it also restores the sheen and wiping over with my Heritage Woodcare once per month is all that is required to keep my floor looking really good
Heritage woodcare can be bought online, visit
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Happy New Year, contact me at The Technocentre,Puma Way, Coventry
I thought this will be a good time to tell you all the details you need to know to contact me and to be able to place an order.
I can be contacted by email on
by post at DCK Services
The Technocentre
Puma Way
by phone on 07967 139636 (office hours please)
All Heritage Polish, and Paston Craft products can be purchased by post as well as online. Simply send your order with payment (cash, cheque or bankers order, or postal order) to :-
DCK Services,
The Technocentre,
Puma Way,
Web Orders I aim to post within 24 hours of receipt. Mail Orders may take up to 7 days for receipt and despatch. Holidays and sickness may mean orders take slightly longer to process and post.