
Saturday, 17 January 2009

Power cuts

We had a number of power cuts last night. When we reported the first one we were told there were 1800 homes affected although 1300 had been reconnected. Power was restored after about 1/2hr, lasted 10mins and went off again. Shortly after it came back on, again lasted a few minutes and went off again.As we hadn't blown out the candles from the first time we still had some light but you don't realise just how much we rely on electricity. No heating(the pumps use power),no tv,no proper lighting,no automatic ignition on the gas cooker,etc. When we reported the third outage we were not believed at first - mind you it appeared we were the only house affected - all our neighbours appeared to be ok and the only lamp post out was the one outside our house. It was only when a few other people rang in that we were believed. Power was eventually restored just before midnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

got affected by the power cut too, only for about a hour though.