
Monday, 29 June 2009

, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire

Did you know that you can get all Heritage Polish and Green Angel Skincare products by post? All you need do Is send an order plus payment (cheque,postal order,cash) to :-
DCK Services,
WREN House,
Stoneleigh Park,
CV8 2RR,

As from August 1st, I will be changing my address to :-
The Technocentre
Puma Way
All mail should be sent to this address w.e.f. August 1st Nothing else has changed and the same high standards of service will continue.

Orders from outside the UK cost extra to post and, reluctantly, this extra has to be passed on.
If you need help on how to use any of our products or whether our products are the right ones for you please do not hesitate to contact me either by email (, by post (Jim Reah at above address) or by phone (0044 (o)7967 139636)

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