
Friday, 25 June 2010

How can I rewax a wax jacket?

To conclude my recent series of posts in which I have been telling you about Heritage Leathercare and its uses I am going to follow up a number of contacts I have had on rewaxing a wax jacket.

This is a comparatively simple task. Initially you may need to clean your jacket. If you do, I would suggest using a cloth soaked in soapy water and squeezed out such that it still contains a reasonable amount of water. Wipe areas where there is a buildup of marks and then ensure your jacket is totally dry - this is really important! Now you are ready.Take your tub of Heritage and, using the sponge provided, wipe over the surface, scraping it across the inside edge to remove any surplus polish and then just wipe, in circular motions, on your jacket. Ensure you cover the whole garment, taking special care that it is not left greasy such that the grease comes off on your other clothes.Where it is greasy, take a soft, clean cloth and buff it up to remove excess wax.

The job is now done and your jacket will have that water resistant finish.

You can obtain Heritage Leathercare online, visit

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