
Friday, 14 October 2011

How do I clean and polish leather furniture

Since my last post regarding how to clean and polish football boots I have had several requests for information on cleaning and polishing leather furniture. Again it is not a complicated process.

If your leather furniture is a very light colour and is dirty, you may need to clean it. This is best done by washing with pure soap (Simple soap, baby soap, soap flakes, Lux, etc.) and then ensuring it is totally dry.

Having washed and dried your furniture where necessary, and on darker colours you are now ready. Take your tub of Heritage Leathercare and wipe your sponge (provided) across the surface taking any excess off by wiping on the inside of your tub. Wipe your sponge in circular motions on your furniture, ensuring it is not greasy (if it is you have used too much and will need to buff up using a soft, dry cloth or a sheet of kitchen towel)

Heritage Leathercare cleans, polishes, and protects your furniture and will leave a water resistant finish. It is also colourless so can be used on any colour.

Heritage Leathercare can be obtained online, visit

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