
Monday, 30 September 2013

My contact information, Shopping for Paston Crafts , Heritage Woodcare and Heritage Leathercare

Hi to all my readers.It has been a while since I updated my contact information so I thought it might be useful to go through it again.You can contact me via the usual methods - email, phone and post. EMAIL TELEPHONE 07967 139636 (office hours only please) MAIL DCK Services, The Technocentre, Puma Way, Coventry, CV1 2TT (The Technocentre is part of Coventry University and receives my mail only. No personal calls please.) So, just WHY ARE PASTON CRAFTS' PRODUCTS SO FANTASTIC? Sometimes caring for yourself goes more than skin deep! The Paston Crafts range takes care of those deeper aches and pains and additionally there are times when we just want to warm ourselves, (in my case it is my feet!) Here at DCK Services we stock their full range of Heatwraps and Handwarmers stuffed with wheat and aromatic herbs, their Heat Retaing/Self Heating Cushions as well as their relaxing Eye Masks and Herbal Cushions. Now there's no excuse not to pamper yourself! You can BUY ANY OF THE PRODUCTS made by Paston Crafts online, visit YOU CAN ALSO BUY HERITAGE WOODCARE and LEATHERCARE online. For Woodcare visit For Heritage Leathercare visit

Friday, 27 September 2013

Keeping warm and getting drug free pain relief with Microwarm Heatwraps

Isn't it a lovely morning. It is a bit cloudy but the sun is there, somewhere.The warm temperatures are still continuing although it does get chilly in the evenings. That brings me to what I wanted to tell you about. How do I KEEP WARM AND GET RELIEF FROM PAIN? Sometimes caring for yourself goes more than skin deep and the weather turning a bit colder doesn't help. MICROWARM HEATWRAPS made by Paston Crafts can take care of those deeper aches and pains. At DCK Services we stock the full range of their Heatwraps and Handwarmers that are stuffed with wheat and aromatic herbs. We also stock their range of relaxing Eye Masks and Herbal Cushions. MICROWARM HEATWRAPS They contain English wheat and are available unfragranced or with either lavender or a mix of aromatic herbs. They can be used hot or cold for the relief of pain as both heat and cold can give drug free pain relief. To use hot simply pop into the microwave for up to two minutes (depends on wattage) or to use cold put into a sealable plastic container or bag and leave in the freezer for up to three hours. Either way you just apply to the affected area for deep and soothing relief. I can RECOMMEND THESE from personal experience. They do work! I have gained relief from pain, particularly backache, by using the Heatwraps and, at shows, have had many people extolling their virtues. I have also used them to keep myself warm when doing outdoor shows. Additionally I regularly take one to bed as my feet get very cold and stop me getting to sleep. They really are good! They are available online, visit

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Paston Crafts - Self Heating / Heat Retaining Cushions

Well now, I am back from my holiday. I have been to Gran Canaria for a week with my wife and my daughter and family.he weather was great - generally very hot although it did cloud over in the afternoon for the last three days which was helpful as it reduced the temperature a little. Didn't do much, just chilled out and relaxed. Back to earth now though! IN MY LAST POST I told you about Paston Crafts, another family business, also based in Coventry that manufactures craft products in fabric. I told you about their microwavable warming products - Microwarm Heatwraps and Handwarmers. They also make a SELF HEATING / HEAT RETAINING CUSHION. Now, as the weather has turned a bit colder is when these Self Heating / Heat Retaining Cushions come their own. It is quite chilly when you get in the car first thing in the morning and you really feel the benefit sitting on one of these cushions. Another use it to put them under your jumper when you go out. They look a bit bulky buy they do work and do keep your back warm. They are also very good if you are in a wheelchair. I know from personal experience how cold they can get. Using two of them, one to sit on and one at your back really does help to keep you warm. Another use is to use them for your PETS.I use one for my cat. She heads straight for it when she goes into the utility room at night. It is in front of the radiator so she gets nice and warm in there. They are suitable for both cats and dogs but I recommend putting the cushion under a an old towel or something similar for dogs. Can you think of other uses that will help to keep you warm. Do let me know. BUYING BOTH PRODUCTS ONLINE Both products can be bought online, visit

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Paston Crafts / Microwarm Heatwraps / Paston Handwarmers

Have you been on holiday yet? We have spent time away from home visiting my children but haven't yet had an actual holiday. In previous years we have managed time away, if only having a few days in a Travelodge, etc. We are due to spend a week in Turkey next month and I am looking forward to the break. Now that the weather has changed and turned a lot colder it is, perhaps, time to take a look at some of the products made by Paston Crafts. Also, with Christmas fast approaching, don't forget they make excellent presents. PASTON CRAFTS Paston Crafts is a family run business based in Coventry. They manufacture a range of fabric and knitted products with their best sellers being Microwarm Heatwraps and Handwarmers. These are stuffed with wheat and aromatic herbs and can keep you warm even in the coldest of weathers as I know from personal experience, having used them to keep warm when demonstrating at outdoor shows in winter. MICROWARM HEATWRAPS Microwarm Heatwraps are microwaved for up to 3 minutes, depending on the power of your microwave. They then stay hot for up to 1 - 1.5 hours and have many uses. The heated heatwrap can then be applied to aches and pains which gives gentle heat treatment. This Treatment is drug free pain relief! The Heatwrap can also be used if you are cold and need to warm yourself up and can also be placed in bed and used as a "hot water bottle" They are safer than the conventional hot water bottle as you don't have boiling water around and they won't leak. water into your bed. PASTON HANDWARMERS When I was exhibitting at shows customers sometimes asked if there was a smaller version to hold in your hands. So the Handwarmer was born. Hand-warmers use the same principles as Heatwraps but are smaller, being designed for to be held in your hands. These are microwaved for only 30 seconds and will retain heat for up to 30 - 45 minutes, longer if you insulate them by putting them in your pockets or gloves. They are also ideal for drug free relief from toothache and ear ache. BUYING BOTH PRODUCTS ONLINE Both products can be bought online, visit

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Apology, Autumn Show,, Heritage Woodcare and Heritage Leathercare

APOLOGY First of all, an apology to my readers. I notice that my blog no longer has paragraphs. I don't know why. No matter how often I edit to try to restore paragraphes, it doesn't happen. So there you are. I apologise. AUTUMN SHOW I went to the Autumn Show at the NEC yesterday. It seems to be much smaller this year or is it my imagination. There only seemed to be 5 halls this year, I am sure there were more last year. Is it a sign of the times? Are companies cutting down on their expenditure for this type of marketing? It is, after all very expensive to market your goods at this type of event, particularly at somewhere like the NEC. I know, I exhibited at shows for many years! HERITAGE WOODCARE For some reason I have recently had a sudden influx of orders for 2litre Heritage Woodcare from overseas. This was despite a note on the website to say that due to International Postal Regulations, I am unable to send more than 500mls outside the UK. Such is life! HERITAGE POLISHES Since my return to blogging I have told you a great deal about Heritage products - who makes them and where. how to use them, etc. I have also told you much about my busines - packaging, how I try to keep my prices down, policy on comments, etc. Trying to think of new topics for this blog is very difficult if I don't want to repeat myself. I have had an interesting discussion with a lady from Austalia over the past few days about a much loved leather handbag which culminated in her buying Heritage Leathercare. I will be posting about it on the blog pages of so keep watching for it. BUY HERITAGE PRODUCTS Knowing that my readers appreciate an easy life (and who doesn't) I will give you the links to visit so that you can buy the products you need. For the full range of products stocked by DCK Services visit If you want woodcare, visit or If you want leathercare vist or