
Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Paston Crafts - Self Heating / Heat Retaining Cushions

Well now, I am back from my holiday. I have been to Gran Canaria for a week with my wife and my daughter and family.he weather was great - generally very hot although it did cloud over in the afternoon for the last three days which was helpful as it reduced the temperature a little. Didn't do much, just chilled out and relaxed. Back to earth now though! IN MY LAST POST I told you about Paston Crafts, another family business, also based in Coventry that manufactures craft products in fabric. I told you about their microwavable warming products - Microwarm Heatwraps and Handwarmers. They also make a SELF HEATING / HEAT RETAINING CUSHION. Now, as the weather has turned a bit colder is when these Self Heating / Heat Retaining Cushions come their own. It is quite chilly when you get in the car first thing in the morning and you really feel the benefit sitting on one of these cushions. Another use it to put them under your jumper when you go out. They look a bit bulky buy they do work and do keep your back warm. They are also very good if you are in a wheelchair. I know from personal experience how cold they can get. Using two of them, one to sit on and one at your back really does help to keep you warm. Another use is to use them for your PETS.I use one for my cat. She heads straight for it when she goes into the utility room at night. It is in front of the radiator so she gets nice and warm in there. They are suitable for both cats and dogs but I recommend putting the cushion under a an old towel or something similar for dogs. Can you think of other uses that will help to keep you warm. Do let me know. BUYING BOTH PRODUCTS ONLINE Both products can be bought online, visit

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